Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An update from Sgt.Miller...

I thought to share this letter with those that don't get his e-mails .....
To Our Friends and Supporters,

It seems that the time has come that our resources shall be shifted yet once again and our current access to computers and the internet will be taken from us due to our priority of the mission and the resources we have limited to us. We have all been truly blessed this far during the deployment to be able to connect with home via the internet and to share with all that we care for so much and have such a constant and quick connection which as we all know is much better than our dependence on the snail mail which has yet to catch up to our tempo as of yet. I speak on behalf of my entire squad when I say that I will miss interacting with all of you and being able to tell you of how things are going here for all of us but know that not a day will go by that we are not thinking of you all and knowing that the reason that we are doing all we do is because of all of you and your concerned thoughts and prayers for us all. We are on the home stretch and we will continue to press on to focus on our goals and missions of success and what is important to us all and we know in our hearts of how important our actions are to all of you. These last months that are ahead of us prior to returning home will be trying and very challenging for each of us but together as brothers' we shall always stick together and look out for eachother until we are all home safe and sound to our families. Truly from the bottom of my heart it has been a blessing to be able to hear from you daily and often and to be able to be brought into each one of your lives but a little to help me escape if not for a moment away from this war and I will hold onto each story of your families and homes to keep me going and determined to keep my promise to all of you and that is that I will get all my boys home safe and sound to each of their families and know that is my only priority each decision of my days. God bless you all and know that as soon as I am able to get access to computers and such again I will contact you all and let you know how your Marines' are doing over here, until then just know that we are sticking together and taking it one step at a time to bring us that much closer to all of you.

With Greatest Respect,

Sgt Matthew Miller
2/8 Golf Co 1st PLT
Unit 73240
FPO AE 09510-3240

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