Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In my opinion....I just have to get this off my chest.....

All of the reports about release vs not release pictures of is understandable why so many want to see them, for the most part, it is confirmation of his death. As if what we as a Nation, and World have witnessed is some elaborate scheme to fool us all?  There are of course, the thrill seekers, who want to see the gruesome death photo's.. to each his own. Not for me. In fact, the longer we debate this issue the longer we keep his horrible legacy in the forefront and too much alive. There is no way anyone can forget. There are a world full of people that feel we need to move on now. There are many more important things that need a great deal of attention from our President and government. I don't care to see this guy's face on my T.V., computer, newspapers or magazines.....I don't want to look at his evil, period. He is dead, let's not give him any martyrdom by continually reporting on the life and times of this very evil person...I am repulsed by the continual barrage of photo's and information about UBL. 
I haven't agreed with many things that our President has done, this is one of those things I agree with. I commend our President and Seal team 6. I like the stance that the Whitehouse is taking not releasing death photo's stating "too many way's they will be misused".  I hope they don't back down on that stance. 
In the mean time, my son and many other son's are in Afghanistan risking their lives daily as a direct result of 9/11.  Let's bring our young men home now, for good......

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