Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1/6 Begin Deployment Today! Go Marines...

News on the street is that 1/6 Marines begin their deployment today......please read the the following articles on the 1/6 .


Prayers and Strength to our Brave Marines, their family and friends.....
America thanks you.........

Michael Yon Dispatch: A Must Read...

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all!  I am posting a link to Michael Yon's latest dispatchs. The two of interest today are "Arghandab & The fight for Kandahar" and "1st December Report". Here is the link

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I must apologize for being absent of late. 2/8 family and friends, I am sure you are all very happy and overjoyed to have your loved ones home finally!  Thank you for staying in touch Sarah, I am glad to finally have your email and will stay in touch! My intention with this blog will be to continue with updates on our Marines still engaged in Afghanistan and news related articles regarding the war. The holidays are always hectic for everyone and I am sure we are all busy making preparations for Christmas. So stay tuned for other updates on this site and future projects for our deployed Marines. Stay healthy and happy, and cherish your time with your Marine, each and everyday that you have them home! Talk to you all very soon....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Family and Friends:

Manuel is doing great and anxious to be back with us all.
It seems as though the current status for a troop surge will be made shortly, let us all hope so for our loved ones currently serving a deployment as well as for our beloved country.
This past weeks news from Fort Hood had already reached overseas to our loved ones serving our Great Nation. Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of this tragedy. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so very deeply saddened for your loss.
There is still hope for America, although the tragedies we see on national T.V. everyday make it seem near impossible at times, but I believe with the right decisions made in Washington that this great Nation will come out of this safer and more resilient than ever. Keep up your vigilant stance America , those who do evil against this great nation will not win.
Happy 234th Birthday to the U.S. Marine corps. today! Thank you to all who serve this country, and a very special thanks to the 2/8 Golf Company and my son PFC. Manuel E. Urrego for your dedication and sacrifice for all of us. We are all so very proud of you! ... You are all to be Congratulated for a job well done!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Manny Called!

Hi to everyone, and a special hello to Christian, Mike, John and Alex! Manny says hi to you all and his other buds back home! He sounded great, anxious to be home. I told him how you found me Christian, he thought that was cool. John I passed on your message the "new fight" when he gets home LOL!! He laughed a lot!, Of course I do most of the talking as he can't tell me much at all. Except he is doing well.. Oh yeah a shout out to Dad he was happy to hear we had chatted recently. He misses everyone! Just wanted you to know we are on his mind and we are a source of strength that he needs to keep up the great work and to keep going! Have a blessed day everyone......

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pentagon Announces Afghan Deployments

The Pentagon announced Tuesday rotating deployments going out as early as November 2009. Some of our brave Marines and soldiers are coming home! Our prayers and best wishes go out to those leaving for Afghanistan...and a Great Welcome Home to others as they arrive back in the Stateshttp://www.militarytimes.com/news/2009/10/army_deployments_102009w/., Heroes for America, all of you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am Proud to call myself the mother of a U.S. Marine more today than any other, the video that aired on 60 Minutes Oct.11, 2009 "2/8 Golf Co." is a testament to our brave U.S. Marines. I hope when Manny arrives home he realizes the pride that we all have in who they are and what they have accomplished in Afghanistan for all of us. America, these are our children, sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews, etc. When you see me driving my car with the Marine Mom, and Proud Parents of a U.S. Marine stickers honk your horn!!! It can only be summed up in a few words "U.S. MARINES ROCK"! 2/8 GOLF COMPANY, THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US. They are over there doing it for America!

I have posted the link to the video on youtube.com. Thank you Sarah, she also has a loved one in the 2/8 currently serving in Afghanistan.
Manny called last week, a helicopter was landing and taking off, very noisy hard to talk to him, he started laughing and said they almost tipped over the porta johns trying to take off, he was taking pics of the Helios. I just want to remind you all that the cut-off for mail is Oct. 15, 2009.
I hope all of Manny's buds are doing well, we miss you guys, hope school is going great this year!
God Bless to all.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 2, 2009 2/8 Echo Co.

I am posting a link to an article that is at best, difficult to read for most with loved ones over in Afghanistan. Manny's brother Marines 2/8 Echo Co. in an outpost also in the Helmand Province. Please be advised that the article has very graphic details. God Bless,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Camilla's Latest Dispatch!

I have posted a link to reporter Camilla Fuhr Nilsson's latest dispatch, you can find her insightful, compassionate writing under guest authors on Michael Yons sight!

Good Morning!

Good Morning To all! I apologize for being completely absent lately! I have missed my Blog! Thank you for your comments! Manny called last week, he is doing well, he wants to hear any type of different news/trivia from America so I am on a mission! I think he would really like to hear some entertainment news he mentioned they get a few tidbits on the small radios others have, but it is BBC news. He misses fresh fruits and vegetables! I am updating my news links this morning. Sounds like the moto-mail is crawling along, hopefully he has received the new moto-mail since we last spoke. I was saddened to hear the latest news from Saturday in Afghanistan. God Bless our Brave men and women serving our country. Our Prayers go out to the families who have lost a loved one.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Afghanistan Force Requirements

Michael Yon does it again, guest Authors from the Institute for the Study of War...Very revealing, and straight forward. Is anyone from D.C. reading these articles and reports? Comprehensive report check it out for yourself...http://www.michaelyon-online.com/images/pdf/afghanistan_force_requirements.pdf

Manny Called!

Hi everyone,,,,Manny sounded good he was wanting to hear any news of anything random and new from the states, I will be better prepared next week with more trivia (entertainment etc.)! The cut-off for packages is October 15th. I am cramming 2 more boxes full today, one went out last week. As I mentioned in an earlier post, it is chilly in the evenings over there. Over the next few weeks I will be making some alterations to this site. Thanks for your support! Keep the letters going out to Manny! God Bless our Marines!
I have put a new link up to the 2/8 G.Co. newsletter to the right check there for the latest updates on the 2/8 G. Co.! Also, a link to the main page look under Golf co. pics. if you would like to print or save to your computer Manny is in 1st Platoon he is on the top right easy to find! All Golf Co. pic is under Golf co. If you are new to my site, (even if your not) please note the Disclaimer at the bottom of the page! This site was created to be a blessing for those looking for information either on Manny or 2/8 G. or just general info. for us Marine parents, family and friends, it is always Great to find and share information! Not all sites are for everyone, there are a few sites out there that I didn't find helpful, so I certainly understand. I welcome all and hope this site helps you find what your looking for and looking forward to the new changes .

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Manny Called 5:30 A.M.

Good Morning all...Manny called he sounded great, very anxious to be headed home. They still do not have a firm date. I have added a link to a video from August, 2/8 Echo Co. Manny is living the same, so check it out, these guy's are amazing! As soon as I get word on a cut-off date for packages I will let you know. I forgot to mention, that it is very cold at night for these guy's as the weather is not 120 degrees anymore, at night more like 69 degrees and they are freezing, putting on everything they can to keep warm. I just mailed a fleeced lined sweatshirt hope it gets to him in time to help. Our connection was crappy today hard to hear him very well. He said he was the last person to use the phone today. He made sure to ask for magazines outdoor mags, fitness, trucks (diesel). Sounds like he is low on everything. Oh yeah, he still has the foot ointment and powder so I guess he doesn't need anymore of that! Manny said he really didn't want to ask for anything as he could get by without. So I am not really sure what other stuff he needs besides what I had mentioned in my last weeks post regarding his phone call. It was great to be able to tell my son how much I loved him, I know how much he misses all of us, it is hard for these guys to be away from family and friends for so long. Hard for those of us that Love him, to have him away......God Bless to everyone and Thank You for your letters and care packages to Manny.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New links Check them out!

I have posted some new links today, Michael Yon wrote a beautiful piece about Pedro Rescue Helicopter PJ's. His photo's are breathtaking and leave you feeling as though you are there. Straight forward reporting. I have also posted a link to Al Qaeda's latest threats to the U.S. I hope Americans realize this is more than justification for being in Afghanistan. Sending over additional troops shouldn't even be up for debate. Manny was 12 years old when 9/11 tragically occurred, now 20 and in the U.S. Marines currently serving in Afghanistan, he has never forgotten that day. ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Manny Update September 9, 2009

Good Morning all! Manny called at 2:18 a.m. he is doing well and is anxious to be home with his family and friends soon. He received several moto-mails dated August 26th a few days ago so it isn't taking as long to get them to him now. John, he loved hearing about what everyone has been up too over the summer! Never enough time to really speak with him but it is just good to hear his voice and too know he is well. That is about it for today thank you all for the moto-mail to Manny keep up the encouraging mail. God Bless to all...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Video of What it is really like in Afghanistan

I have posted a link to a great video sorry it is not the Marines but the Army is over there doing it for us all too..they are all brave US Soldiers hear their story and get a feel for what our soldiers and Manny's life is like everyday .....

Manny Called 12:30AM!

He sounded tired this time.....said they woke him up just to make his phone call, it was 9AM there he sleeps on a rotating shift and is on guard at other times while others sleep. HE needs batteries(size AA), socks, snacks pretzels, cheese curls, beef jerky etc and probably razors refill fusion. We will get a pkg off to him on Saturday. He is not getting very much mail, John he said he had not received any letters from you yet and was hoping to talk with you soon? I am not sure if everyone is busy, but take a moment to write him even if it is moto mail he will get it eventually! Pkgs take 30 days so he will get whatever you send end of Sept. 1st of Oct. He misses all and sends his love to all. Diane he said to tell you he got your wedding invitation for next summer. That's all for now, God Bless all and pray for our boys safe return home........

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Michael Yon Embed Canceled British Military..

To the right I have linked to an article written by one of my favorite overseas reporters and author, the British Ministry of Defense cancelled his embed with the British soldiers after he wrote an article called "Bad Medicine". He tweets ;"that the British are under reporting their war casualties and that they need more helicopters." He is on his way to join U.S. forces. should be there as we speak...

Manny Update August 26, 2009!

Manny called last night about 1:45 A.M.! Delighted as always to hear from my son..he just started laughing the minute I answered the phone guess he was happy too! He says that they expect to be in a safe zone (Camp Leatherneck or Camp Bastion in Afghan) by the mid to late Oct or at the very latest beginning of Nov. he expects to be home before Thanksgiving! He said he hoped to be here before my Birthday but I'll take anytime! He sends out shouts to all of his buds "hey"! He also sends all his love to his Dad and all of his sisters.....wanted me to make sure and tell you Dad that he loves you. We have if I am lucky, about 10 minutes on the phone...he wanted to know how I was doing though, didn't want to talk about him anymore always concerned about everyone else. I let him know that Mom was doing great. Maybe life will feel right again when he is home......a huge piece of my heart and soul left to go to Afghanistan in June, I forgot to pack for the trip however.....maybe the next deployment won't be so difficult?
Who am I kidding. So that is the latest guys.....I will update the news portion of my blog today. Keep sending those letters guys he was just getting mail when he called, said he was getting Junes mail (this includes moto mail) as well as newer mail I guess some things got mixed up. I will ask him who's letters he has received John next time I speak to him. I am sure he has received most of your letters. A little birdie(confidential from overseas) has told me that we may be seeing some pics of our boy very soon and his Marine buddies. Let's hope so because I haven't seen anything new lately except what I passed along to you all! God Bless to all and keep those letters and pkgs going over remember pkgs take about 30 days he will need refueling on socks and boxers, food stuff, razors, (fusion) shave cream and yeah don't forget the beef jerky! My friends at Beefjerky.com would never forgive me LOL! He still has months to go! Magazines are a good thing too, you know Manny, Newsweek, stuff like that. Good Bye for now...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Manny Called Wednesday morning!

I wanted to let u all know that Manny called this morning he is doing good he says. He received 2 out of 3 pkgs we sent that means he has his ipod he seemed pretty happy about that! He received another pkg don't know who from I should have asked but didn't...not much time on the phone with him they make them keep it very short. He was not one of the Marines that went into Dahaneh to secure the area yesterday before the elections next week, the taliban had a stronghold over this area. They had 8 hrs of very heavy fighting as the Taliban put up quite a fight, it was the Marines 2/3 Golf who went in. Of course Manny can not tell me anything. I try not to ask questions that would put him at risk. I do know that he is in an area that is a dangerous, high stress area . But what isn't over there? I am leaving a link to the news report on the U.S. Marines 8 hr fight with the Taliban in my link column to the right. I ask God to protect his heart and mind during his time over there. I can only imagine what he has done and what he has seen so far. So keep the letters and pkgs going over to him he needs all he can get from home love, encourgaement and pretzels & BEEF Jerky! I will hear from him again next week and will update u at that time......My prayers are with our Marine men...& all who serve and cover this war for us.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My latest thoughts

For now I have completed a small update for those of you who are following Manny updates, as well as news from Afghanistan. I plow through lot's of different news pieces thanks to my military journalist buddies on twitter most of whom are currently overseas with our Boy's and a few that have been. They have the most current take on what's really going on over there. Great thanks to Milblogging, Camomillan, and Michael Yon to name a few I hope my readers can take the time to read some of the articles I posted today by these guys.

Manny sounded good I could hear the smile on his face... there are rumors that he could be home in November, he said not to get my hopes up though. He said he would be back way before Christmas at the very least. Home in good shape and healthy is all I am looking for, of course the sooner the better, but I will take what I can get! He sends his love and says hi to family and his buds back home! The last mail he received a few days before he called was dated June 24...he did receive a package from his sister Diane thanks he says! They let it stockpile and then get it to these guys when there is a bunch. Disheartening to know that moto mail is not getting to these guys the way it is supposed to, they are moving around everyday and are not readily accessible. So hopefully he will receive our packages and letters and moto mail soon. He needs more socks he goes thru a pair every three days ( I think that means they have to be burned!)
There wasn't enough time to really talk about much, he said he should be able to call again in a week, so possibly this week. It is like Xmas when they get their care pkgs he said. Take care everyone and God Bless to all....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Manny Update!

Manny called from Afghanistan just before 3 am this morning, more later need to go back to sleep all is right with the world....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Marines Need supplies NOW!

This is a article I thought I would pass on to all who have loved ones in Afghanistan ....bad enough these Marines are over there "Doing it for all of us", but come on give me a break ! Let's get these guys the supplies they need.... ............http://www.marine-corps-news.com/2009/07/marines_waiting_on_basic_suppl.htm

Thursday, July 30, 2009

An Excerpt from Michael Yon Reporter Afghanistan

The U.S. Marines are flooding in, and you might think that every Marine helicopter in our arsenal is here. I’ll not give numbers and types other than to say the line of aircraft is long and formidable.
The U.S. Marines are a spectacle for the U.S. Army and also the British Army. The Marines will come in and live like pure animals, and build a base around themselves, whereas the British and American Armies will tend to build at least part of the base before coming in. One Marine commander told me that during the early part of this war, his men didn’t even shower for three months. We talked for a couple of hours and he was proud that his Marines didn’t need a shower for three months, and that his Marines killed a lot of Taliban and managed to lose only one good man. That’s the Marines. They’ll show up in force with no warning, and their reputation with U.S. Army and Brits who have fought alongside them is stellar. A NPR photographer who just spent more than three weeks with the Marines could not praise them enough, saying he’d been with them in Iraq, too, and that when Marines take casualties, their reaction is to continue to attack. They try to stay in contact until they finish the enemy, no matter how long it takes. Truly they are animals when it comes to the fight. Other than that, great guys. Tonight at dinner, a young Marine Lance Corporal sat in front of me at the crowded dining facility. “Good evening, Sir,” he said. I asked, “Are you living like animals out there?” “Livin’ the dream, Sir!” They are fantastic.

U.S. Marines what else can you say!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Make a difference!

Some people spend their entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference? The Marines don't have that problem!
-President Rondald Regan

Monday, July 27, 2009

Manny called from Afghanistan July 22, 2009

5:10 am in the morning...who cares!! Finally a phone call from Manny..He told me he probably wouldn't be able to call the whole time he was gone we knew he was in Southern Afghanistan but found out he was one of the 4,000 that marched across the Helmand Province for days...when most of us were enjoying the fourth of July weekend our son was bathed in sweat and extreme heat with a 100 pound pack on his back, walking for days protecting our rights to our freedom. He seemed disappointed that no letters had reached us yet, but then he hadn't received anything from home including motomail since June 16. They are awaiting supplies and mail from home, we know they are having issues getting these marines the supplies and equipment they need..I think the phone calls were a shot at a moral booster, it worked, on both ends. So friends and family of Manny, keep up the good work and keep sending that mail! He will get it eventually. A special thanks to John Curtis from Manny ,thanks man! Loading 70 GB's of music into that ipod for him ,well it is on it's way! HE say's hi to all his friends back home and love to Dad and his sisters, all of them. Oh and Diane, Congratulations!